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Class of 2026
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

2024 Week 3: Team Journal

We’re halfway through the build season and Nemesis is more productive than ever! Both the build and business subteams have been preparing for the upcoming competition season, as well as the events that the team will be hosting. 

The business team has continued preparations for the competition season while also getting resources ready for the annual Sponsor Night event. Specifically, the finance team has been reconciling the bank account, finishing our 5-year business plan, and finalizing the press packet. They are also working on the executive summary to keep our sponsors up-to-date with accomplishments of the past season, as well as our goals for the future. Meanwhile, the media team has been updating the website and social media accounts, finalizing button designs, creating a new business plan cover, and taking action shots of the team. The logistics team is preparing activities for travel competitions like MAR Champs and Worlds. They are also organizing team meals for the weekends and updating the pit presentation for competitions. Finally, the community outreach team has been arranging our annual FLL Interest meeting and food drive and working on written materials and documentation for the Impact award. Simultaneously, they are working to touch base with our collaborators at the Trenton Urban Promise organization, 

The build team has also been incredibly busy, finishing prototypes and beginning work on the final robot. The software team has been rewriting code for the swerve drive, began utilizing new libraries for better subsystem code, and finalizing PhotonVision for AprilTag analysis. The electrical team is working closely with software to wire the swerve bot, as well as connecting the prototypes to circuit boards to simulate how it would work on the robot. The fabrication team is using CAD to design parts, as well as manufacturing initial parts created by the design team. Lastly, the strategy team is creating different subsystems for the robot, updating the scouting app to accommodate the new game, and working on note taking for competitions.

We can’t wait to continue this progress throughout the latter half of the build season as we have an exciting month ahead of us, prior to competition season!