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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Week 3: Marketing Journal

It’s the week of midterms and time for the students of Nemesis 2590 to hit the books. The Marketing Team members began preparing for our annual Sponsor Networking Night, where we invite our sponsors to come and see their money in action.  The sophomores worked their fingers to the bone, writing and addressing the invitations to come to Robbinsville High School on February 3, 2015. The freshmen and seniors worked on the display cases and rummaged through thousands of photos to create the perfect wings for the case. This is a key aspect of Sponsor Night because the sponsors like to see their names on display for everyone to see. The Chairman’s Award Video Team is working hard on the video and finally completed the script for the final video.  Week three is in full swing and the team cannot wait for week four!