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Class of 2015
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Through The Eyes of The Freshmen: 2012 Season

As freshman on the build team, when we joined FIRST Robotics we had no idea what to expect. Little did we know how much it would change our lives and what a positive experience it would be. Being productive members of the team has helped us grow as people and as students. From robotics we learned the importance of time management, how to work well with others, and how to take pride in our accomplishments.

These are things that we will use for the rest of our lives. One exciting thing about robotics is that the problems we are given do not necessarily have a right answer. Rather, we are given a problem with an infinite number of answers and it is up to our creativity and determination to make one work for us. This requires a different type of thinking than what we are used to. As a result, the answer is more challenging to find, but it is also much more rewarding once it is found.
One of the highlights of Team 2590 is that we are all drawn together because of our love for the challenge. It is the glue that binds them like a second family. Something that really speaks to me about the family of Nemesis is that these kids are serious when they need to be and are laid back and relaxed the rest of the time. This makes the Tech Lab a very comfortable place to work in, almost like a second home. Spending so many hours together during build season was a brand new experience for us but well worth it. In Montreal, we had the opportunity to see Prince take first place at the Festival de Robotique. Together we scouted nearly 60 matches. We went out to eat, played in the pool, and even managed to get some homework done.